DALL-E 2 Art Generating Ai Goes Public

The waitlist for the DALL-E beta has been removed, so users can now sign up and begin using it immediately. With DALL-E, more than 1.5 million people—including authors, creative directors, and artists—are actively producing over 2 million photos every day.

DALL-E 2, named after Salvador Dali and WALL-E, allows the user to input words which then creates a piece of art. 650 million image-text pairs gathered from the Internet served as training data, resulting in a plethora of combinations in multiple different artists styles. It is the replacement for the first DALL-E, which OpenAI published in 2021. DALL-E 2 offers more realism, precision, and four times the resolution of the first version. According to studies, over 89% of respondents favoured the photorealism of DALL-E 2 and about 72% preferred the caption matching.

There have been some major developments since its initial soft-launch, including the ability to create realistic human faces. As the rivalry in the industry heats up, users of the image-generating artificial intelligence Dall-E 2 will be able to add faces to the system for the first time, according to the inventors OpenAI. The addition represents the latest loosening of the company’s usage guidelines for its tool, which can produce high-quality photographs from a text prompt. OpenAI forbade users from producing any photographs with realistic faces when it first went into a public beta.

The morality surrounding DALL-E 2 is still unknown, with the ability to potentially create harmful images. Whilst before, OpenAI employed staff to look through created images and flag problematic content, launching the software on a larger scale means the filtering process must be refined. Although, OpenAI defended its decision to loosen the regulations in a letter to users. The business has upgraded the technology it uses to stop users from creating violent and sexual content. Ultimately, it’ll be up to users whether they use this new technology ethically and legally.

This marks an exciting new era of creating art, whilst making the process more accessible to the public. Although the question of ‘is it real art?’ arises, that’s one that can only be answered as more people use these technologies. Other companies have begun to develop similar programs, including Google, who have created Imagen, a software that rivals DALL-E by creating photorealistic content.